Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hoping for a Green December

One of the purposes of this blog is to provide information so that you can make informed decisions based on your beliefs and hopes for the future.  In that light, I'd like to talk about Hopenhagen and 350.org.  Both of these organizations are bringing attention to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15) in December. Each organization is taking a unique way to build grassroots support to send a strong message to our world leaders that it is time for a change.

Hopenhagen offers you the opportunity to share a message about what gives you hope in the world.  You can see messages from individuals all over the world.  It asks all of us to contact our leaders and let them know that we expect tangible changes to come out of COP15.  For all you Facebook members, you can get your Hopenhagen passport by checking off green things you do and earning points.  Go on out there and put me to shame.  http://www.hopenhagen.org/.

350.org held an international day of climate change on October 24th.  They asked people all over the world to gather people together to spell out "350" and take a picture of it.  So what's so special about 350?  Well,  scientists state that 350 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere is the safe limit for humanity.  We currently are at 387ppm.  That is a sobering number.  Visit their website to see an amazing picture gallery of the world's citizens asking for a healthier environment.

My hope is that people start paying attention and educate themselves.  We need to make a change before it is too late.  We are already 10.5% over what scientist believe is a healthy CO2 level for humans.  I'd like to be a part of the generation that changes the way we live so that all the future generations can live in a healthy and clean environment.  It's time.

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